Tuesday, 27 February 2007

MCS4110 Week4 notes

Proposal structure (2pages): should be an in depth analysis on more information on the content of the film based on research. The structure of the film,visualization,information on the contributors and style of the film(camera work,narration, lighting,music,graphics, typefaces etc.)

-expand on content
-visualization !!Teamwork is essential at this point on!!
-Keep up to the point -in a good selling form
-Whats good/relevant/unique/interesting
-put in a phrase or in a single word what the film is about

Narrative-Storytelling form relate to news from films

Be aware that you are filming in the real world - be ready to use opportunities that may come across- Be careful though in framework of the idea on how the story will be told.
How far can you script?
Depending on the kind of the documentary you script accordingly.
Consider the ethical dimensions on representation.When you script you represent a viewpoint.
Allow changes to happen to the script you have /but depends on the genre of the film/how far you want to represent the truth.
Is up to the director to decide how it will be represented - the essence of the film should be given without misrepresenting contributors in the film.
Questions are a powerful medium of directing your contributors on leading them to the direction you want.
Avoid misleading contributors on the intentions of the film - creating your own story can lead to disaster - unethical film making can also create the disapproving of the audience and bad reacting critic.

Remain truthful to the core meaning of the film

Can you be objective?can it really exist? in my opinion is a fairytale in the field of media!
What we can do is to show what we believe as truth. By deciding on the way to represent things and messages of the films is becoming subjective.
inform -relieve facts
objectivity can lead to a boring film
- balance -

Interesting stories - thats what the audience wants - for every program you should show what your audience wants to see.
Be ethical not necessarily objective
Know who your audience are and find the way to change them

Adding interesting elements to your film making finding the events on shocking points - contesting

-action time line

Hold the audiences attention all the way

put a heart beat - Visualize it from before - add good interesting images

Storytelling - time line -
Situation - ounce upon a time - its about the past/

Problem - the princess has to be saved/story/conflict what is about

Solution - the brave knight comes and saves her/ solution is harder to be found in news films

Evaluation - live happily ever after

When a story has a solution is a complete story news. Journalists get exited when happens to be a solution cause it completes the story.

Angle of the story is always told by the winners.

The use of facts and statistics are loosing credibility. Proofing points should be from credible sources.

Human stories - personalizing empathizing the problem of the family /person/
Essential elements is to empathize with someones position /suffer/way of living/

The Log Book
Should be reflecting the experiences through this course. A learning cycle that reflects on experiences evaluation and plan. Its not a diary! It should include a reflect and evaluation of the process including further research reading and class notes. Not only what i did but what i learned on the way- also what you already know and what you developed-interactions with colleagues - what i would do again. Evaluating - put yourself above and look of what you did so far - connecting it further reading as well. - Have a structure - at the beginning it might have the form of a diary but the final presentation should not!! (5-7thds wrds) It should be interesting - easy reading - can include other areas that you might have explored and interest you.

access roots - contact people that can contact people that you are interested and get you what you want. Research on archives/relevant contributors /Choose the right team person to do the contact approaches/Agenda

why should they give up their time and contribute to your film?

Find someone who wants to help you!

Make sure you understand why they are doing it. -for attention/publicity/etc.

Everybody has a reason, find the right one to approach to corporate with.

Interaction make sure it connects to the next step - every phone call should lead to the next step.
Choose relevant clothing/background/
Location - explore selected locations -check for toilets/food/background noise/weather
Get your contributors on time on location and give them a log sheet stating the contact details giving them also a sense of what will happen

make them feel comfortable/confident in front of the camera/relaxed/to feel part of the team/
give them a glass of water and avoid pens(click click click)

The interviewer should be engaging and encouraging the interviewee, communicating in a conversation - listening the person in relation of what is interesting and has potential to be expanded.

Q:How are you today
A:Today I'm fine!

avoid close end questions
open ended questions help you get them talking - you stay quiet without commenting with any sound effects
repeat statements
if they cant or your not satisfied with the answers given try to redirect them to say it again in simple words.
Don't get carried away keep to your questions short and let them speak
It should be a positive enjoyable interaction in order to get them back if needed for more shots.

MCS4120 - Week 3quick notes


In order to get a closer relationship with your target audience you should classify audiences and make connections with in- using media channels that relate to your audiences
-range of audience
-primary search/expert people on analyzing relevance of information and answers
-secondary research-people's media usage

Audience are consumers
-Who are the organizations key target audiences?
-Why specific audience is important to the organization?
-What view does the organization wants the audience to have of it?
Reporting research findings
-What is the audience's current view of the organization?
-What issues and appeals are important to the audience?
-Which media does this audience use and trust most?
-How does the current audience view of the organization differ from the desired one? This is determined by comparing responses from the view that the organization wants the audience to have and what is the audience's current view of the organization.
-What message themes will have the greatest impact on this audience? These should reflect the findings of what issues and appeals are important to the audience.
-What are the best ways of reaching this audience -there should be selected in light of the findings from -which media does this audience use and trust most.
-Who will serve as the organizations primary contact for working with this audience?

Sensitive issues should take an appealing form in order not to frighten the audience - Audience identity should also be related - ex. an accountant reading vogue will not trust it
for economic issues but will use other related media channels to be informed.

-communications department can be the primary contact
-teenagers -rebellious- increasing the school leaving
-socio-economic factor classifying groups was popular in 80s-90s
-attitudes -values-telling a way of life

Questions classifying consumers
-What life stage are they at?
-Where do they live?
-What sort of work they do?
-What are their values and priorities?
-What are their concerns and issues?
-How do they spend their leisure time ?
-What sort of spending habits do they have?
-What media do they read/watch/listen to?
-How much and when do they use the internet?
-How do they use our own and our competitors products/services?

spending habits can not necessarily be what you are thinking of!

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Μεταμεσονύχτιες αναλαμπές

σκέψεις που στριφογυρίζουν και λεν πως θα ξανάρθουν αλλά μέχρι το πρωί τις έχω όλες ξεχάσει... ...ξέχασα να αναπνέω, μα ζω ακόμα χάρη στην δανική πνοή κάποιου φίλου...

Monday, 19 February 2007

MCS4120 - Week 2quick notes


Consider the lifestyle of the consumer

Sales promotion - communicate and setting up a relationship with markets - tries to influence people in indirect way. Interactive - two ways communication looks impersonal but it builds on personal relation

-increase sales

-change of brand

-try at least once the product
Key area of PR is research and understanding how media transmit messages to audience.

  1. Objectives
  2. The market
  3. Market segments
  4. The target
  5. The needs /wants/desires
  6. External attitude influences
  7. (cultural social influences -appeal on specific target group)
  8. The benefits
  9. The competition
  10. The strategy

  1. PR - Issues and information
  2. Business to business - influence reputation of a company
  3. Trade - promoting within company /product services distribute, retails
  4. Consumer to consumer - aiming people you want to buy the product

Corporate PR - a company that has/owns/produce variety of products and each product has its own brand and campaign strategy but as a whole have a corporate image and a different pr campaign

Cause -related PR

Marketing Mix






Tactics -review

MCS4120 - Week 1quick notes


    Communications Strategies and practices

    Marketing has its own different philosophy

    Emphasize in producer approach and consumer approach

    The business philosophy with emphasis on the consumer satisfying and identifying the needs of the target group. This require intensive and extended research as orienting t he market.






    Advertising becomes integrated with other kind of promotion /sales promotion /direct marketing /sending out mail/email/sponsorship/book covers

    Promotion - product

    Marketing communications

    Public Relations

    Messages send either through mainstream channels or underground channels /word to mouth

    PR can also change a message

    Work with celebrities on what to wear/what to say etc.

    Also dealing with a business to business advising a company in a crisis

    Register - interactivity you can send a message in many different ways -

    " Would you please shut the door?"

    "Would you shut the door?"

    "Shut the door!"

    "Are you going to shut that door?"

  1. Objectives
  2. Different kind of audience
  3. Types of messages and the form will take
  4. Tools and activities
  5. Resources
  6. Time scale
  7. Evaluation

Friday, 16 February 2007

My online Gallery

I uploaded some pictures here ...some from Cyprus when i went to a farm in Ayious Trimithias..



Thursday, 15 February 2007

Εν ώρα αναλαμπής συλλογίζομαι.........

και κραυγαλέα αλαλάζω και ανοίγω τα μάτια για να δω ότι δεν είσαι πια εδώ. Σε χρειάζομαι και ανακαλώ μνήμες από το παρελθόν. Σ' αγκαλιάζω στα όνειρα μου και αναρωτιέμαι κάθε πρωί που να'χεις χαθεί. Έτσι ανώνυμα και αθέατα προχωρώ . Περπάτησα στον ήλιο και τη λάσπη, νιώθω τα πόδια μου υγρά και λερωμένα. Κοιτάζω εσένα και βλέπω εμένα, μ'αγκαλίαζεις και ξαφνικά σύννεφο βροχής τα τινάζει στον αέρα, αλλά εγώ μένω εδώ, πάλι μονάχη και βρεγμένη σαν ένα γατί.

Wednesday, 14 February 2007

MCS4110 Week2 notes

Camera VX2000 Sony 13.02.07

Camera Set up and Shoot

FOCUS - manual and automatic/prefer to use the manual focus to have the control and make sure that the things you want in the picture are in focus.

EXPOSURE - not too bright not too dark- to control it use the IRIS - how much light to allow. - GAIN - (measured in 0db) electronically bright up the image, but the image gets fuzzy, prefer to leave it off. SHUTTER SPEED - how long for the light to come in.

PAL - UK TV system 25 full images in a second and 50 half images

24 images per second - looks normal and smooth (if there are more looks like jumping )transition, but there is an annoying flickering in between.

To avoid that in films they duplicate each picture so even though you see 24 frames is actually double.

In Television works in lines -

On most cameras you cant change the 25 frame per picture but you can change the aperture and therefore change the period of time with shutter speed you capture less amount of light and change how the image looks. This has effect on the exposure - dark or brighter image. When a still picture is required of a very fast sport like formula 1 or baseball you need a fast shutter speed. (The motion states)

The motion blurs makes it looking more smoothly.

COMPOSITION - What is in the picture and where it is. Follow the rule of 3s is a useful composition tool. How you make your composition depends on what you want to say. Ask your self - Is this a good picture?

When focusing on the subject usually we attempt to put the person in the middle of the picture and should be avoid. We should look at the picture and step back and relocate the subject accordingly. Control the audience on what and where they are looking at.

WHITE BALANCE - What sort of light we are filming in - outdoor /sunlight or indoor/artificial light

    For the camera

  1. To make the manual control you need to change it to auto lock off
  2. AE =auto exposure - when is not shown on the display is off
  3. IRIS=change it from the side of the camera and you will see the f sign on the display.
  4. ZEBRA =off/70/100 its the indicator to get right exposure on face highlights - 70 will be ideal
  5. ND=off/1/2 - is like sunglasses for the camera
  6. Zoom in (to eyes) FOCUS Zoom out
  7. Put the tripod at the same height level as the person's eye level
  8. Tripod's level with the help of the bubble of air placed in position

Depth of Field

MCS4110 - Week 1 notes

Week 1 06.02.2007

To have in mind -

Hook and hold the audience tuned - the good writing comes from writing the answers and not the questions - to get people talking

Executive producer (commissioner)

Producer - Time - Cost - Quality (has absolute power)

Director - The one with the vision

Pre -Production

Research /write



Post - Production


    Tips for good Team working

  1. Be fare sharing the work
  2. Form a team attitude
  3. Collaborate setup network communications (face to face -email-phone -sms)
  4. Corporate - criticism should be constructive
  5. Present problems as solutions
  6. Put ground rules
  7. Meeting times - sharp-
  8. Strengths and weaknesses of the team should be discussed


In 150-200 words in a form of a review write the content of the video that will be presented